robustus AGM
Enormous trusses up to 4ft long with masses of deep pink flowers.
robustus AGM
Enormous trusses up to 4ft long with masses of deep pink flowers.
Pink flowers with protruding yellow stamens.
IMPORTANT! If you are ordering outside UK (including Northern Ireland), you must have a CITES permit. (Additional £75.00 + £1.50 per genera)
Pink flowers with protruding yellow stamens.
IMPORTANT! If you are ordering outside UK (including Northern Ireland), you must have a CITES permit. (Additional £75.00 + £1.50 per genera)
Romance AGM
Deep rose pink cup with fluted brim sitting on a milky white perianth.
romieuxii Julia Jane
Lovely soft lemon yellow crinoline-like flowers with tiny perianth petals.