coum Album
White, spring flowering with a deep violet nose. Plain green or lightly silvered leaves.
IMPORTANT! If you are ordering outside UK (including Northern Ireland), you must have a CITES permit. (Additional £75.00 + £1.50 per genera)
coum album
White, spring flowering with a deep violet nose. Plain green or lightly silvered leaves.
IMPORTANT! If you are ordering outside UK (including Northern Ireland), you must have a CITES permit. (Additional £75.00 + £1.50 per genera)
coum Christmas Tree Group
Silver leaf with christmas tree markings.
IMPORTANT! If you are ordering outside UK (including Northern Ireland), you must have a CITES permit. (Additional £75.00 + £1.50 per genera)
coum forma albissimum
Pure white with plain green foliage.
IMPORTANT! If you are ordering outside UK (including Northern Ireland), you must have a CITES permit. (Additional £75.00 + £1.50 per genera)
coum forma albissimum
Pure white with plain green foliage.
IMPORTANT! If you are ordering outside UK (including Northern Ireland), you must have a CITES permit. (Additional £75.00 + £1.50 per genera)
coum Maurice Dryden
White flowers, silver leaves.
IMPORTANT! If you are ordering outside UK (including Northern Ireland), you must have a CITES permit. (Additional £75.00 + £1.50 per genera)
coum Selected Red Form
AGM. Variable shades of pink flowers and silver leaves.
IMPORTANT! If you are ordering outside UK (including Northern Ireland), you must have a CITES permit. (Additional £75.00 + £1.50 per genera)
coum Selected Red Form
AGM. Variable shades of pink flowers and silver leaves.
IMPORTANT! If you are ordering outside UK (including Northern Ireland), you must have a CITES permit. (Additional £75.00 + £1.50 per genera)
coum Silver Leaf
Beautifully marked leaves of silver and green. Flowers variable from pink through to white.
IMPORTANT! If you are ordering outside UK (including Northern Ireland), you must have a CITES permit. (Additional £75.00 + £1.50 per genera)
coum Silver Leaf
Beautifully marked leaves of silver and green. Flowers variable from pink through to white.
IMPORTANT! If you are ordering outside UK (including Northern Ireland), you must have a CITES permit. (Additional £75.00 + £1.50 per genera)
Creme de Cassis
Berry pink, shades of mauve and a hint of red.
Creme Silence
Vanilla, light yellow centre, splashed with crimson.
crispa. (syn undulata)
“Starfish Iris”
Crinkled, Iris-like flowers, brownish-purple blotched and spotted with maroon purple.
cristophii AGM
(syn albopilosum)
Silver-lilac large head with many very large star shaped flowers.