Cheerfulness AGM
Has 3-4 scented, full double, creamy white flowers on a strong stem.
China Town AGM
Superb variety with moss green marking on phlox pink petals; leaves are variegated with a white margin.
Chinese Sacred Lily
Sweetly scented white flowers with orange cups. Excellent for forcing or pot growing.
cilicium AGM
Light rose pink with a dark blotch at the mouth.
IMPORTANT! If you are ordering outside UK (including Northern Ireland), you must have a CITES permit. (Additional £75.00 + £1.50 per genera)
cilicium AGM
Light rose pink with a dark blotch at the mouth.
IMPORTANT! If you are ordering outside UK (including Northern Ireland), you must have a CITES permit. (Additional £75.00 + £1.50 per genera)
cilicium forma album
Small pure white flowers.
IMPORTANT! If you are ordering outside UK (including Northern Ireland), you must have a CITES permit. (Additional £75.00 + £1.50 per genera)
cilicium forma album
Small pure white flowers.
IMPORTANT! If you are ordering outside UK (including Northern Ireland), you must have a CITES permit. (Additional £75.00 + £1.50 per genera)
Cintho Alfa
Fragrant, large white flowers with pink stripes down each petal.