Winter Aconites. Do best in cool woodland areas. They grow in any soil provided it is not waterlogged and once established will seed themselves freely. Flowering a little later than Eranthis Hyemalis.
Flowering time: Feb-March.
Height: 4″ (10cm).
Winter Aconites. Do best in cool woodland areas. They grow in any soil provided it is not waterlogged and once established will seed themselves freely. Flowering a little later than Eranthis Hyemalis.
Flowering time: Feb-March.
Height: 4″ (10cm).
Count | 10 for £2.50, 100 for £19.00, 1000 for £170.00 |
Ruiter hybrid.
Superb yellow flower which makes an excellent cut flower.
A curious variety with maroon purple flowers each topped with a tuft of longer stalked blooms.
Attractive umbels of pink flowers.
One of the most talked about alliums on our Chelsea display.
Very attractive variety with large dense heads of deep purple flowers.