This unusual variety is a departure from the norm. Long, sturdy stems allow its use as a cut-flower or as a highly effective landscape subject.
Height: 60cm.
Single Late 1919.
Deep lilac-blue.
This unusual variety is a departure from the norm. Long, sturdy stems allow its use as a cut-flower or as a highly effective landscape subject.
Height: 60cm.
10 for £3.00, 100 for £27.00, 1000 for £250.00 |
Exterior red edged with pale cream-yellow. Interior green with purplish base.
Violet on a creamy yellow background.
Flamboyant parrot with a pastel mauve exterior flamed green, outer pure white. Inside of the flower is the same changing to magnolia purple with a greenish flame on an orange base.
Exterior light purple. Outer base pale yellow, inside pastel mauve. Large lemon yellow base.